Friday, March 21, 2008

Okay, so here's the deal with being Christian, at least Catholic. During the Easter season, particularly the 40 days prior to Easter Sunday, also known as Lent, most Christians choose something to give up along with the no meat of Friday rule. I have been giving something up for years, coffee, french fries, peanut butter, cookies, and this year, soda. I have always wanted to try to give up chocolate but I could never get myself to do it. There is just too much temptation and way too many opportunities to eat the delicious treat. Not only do I not particularly want to give up chocolate, but after thinking about it, there are so many foods that I eat that contain chocolate. While in school, I generally survive off of granola bars, peanut butter crackers packs, and 100 Calorie Packs, usually the chocolate chip cookie variety. Everyone knows that the best granola bars are the "Chocolate Drizzle" Special K bars so I know that I would not be able to resist eating them. Also, it is easier to find snacks with chocolate than without. If I gave up chocolate, then I would have to be extra careful not to go to the vending machine and get something that turns out to have some type of chocolate flavor or chocolate chip in it. And it doesn't help at all that for most of Lent, every store is selling Easter candy, and I know that I always buy the Mini Eggs from Cadbury.
Maybe if I prefered Peeps over Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs then I would have an easier time giving up the milk chocolate goodness, but until then, I'll keep giving up the things that I know I could live without.

1 comment:

areis said...

This is actually funny to me because my mom gave up chocolate for Lent. As you know, Lent began before Valentine's Day and she has been tortured since then, living a life without chocolate. I forgot that's what she gave up and accidently gave her a box of chocolates for Valentine's Day, adding to the suffering. Well, yesterday she was able to eat chocolate again... Let me tell you she did not wait one second. I gave her an Easter basket and the first thing she went for was a chocolate m&m. ...40 days without chocolate, I don't know how she did.