Friday, February 15, 2008

How do you say "I Love You"?

With Valentines Day having come and gone, I ask you how you said "I Love You" to that special someone. Many choose a romantic dinner, some a teddy bear, and still others choose the classic treat of a box of chocolates. Well, not all chocolate is made the same. For example, there are new ideas for chocolate that come from all over the world. One that interested me the most which I found thanks to Dr. Cohen comes from a Japanese idea.
First off, in Japanese culture, apparently, only the woman gives people chocolate. It's not even only for her love interest, instead, she must also provide candy for people like her boss, father-in-law and other people that she feels she has an obligation to. While this seems like a nice idea, is it really worth giving chocolate to everybody in one's life? Wouldn't that take away some of the significance of the gift of chocolate that one gives to their boy/girlfriend?

1 comment:

dorchesta711 said...

Well the funny part about that is, I find it really awkward for a girl to buy her valentine chocolate. Guys have it so much easier because they can give the default gift of candy and flowers. I'm glad girls have it easy somewhere in the world.